Constant assistance, food until I can’t eat another bite, selflessness, and hospitality. The people of this country are some of the most generous and caring people I have ever met. People are quick to offer you what they have, and help you in anyway possible. It reminds me of southern hospitality. An Egyptian who had lived in South Carolina told me how similar the ways of the people are in both places. I have also observed this social phenomenon.
Since coming to Egypt I have been placed with three host families. I may still be moving again, but inshallah this is the last. Each family warmly opened their homes to me. Two of the families only had a few days notice before I arrived as well. However, the hospitality has been immense. Each family has served me constant food, and made me feel like the family. I have been told that their home is my home even by families not even hosting me. Never a time goes by when a member of the family or a friend is eating or drinking something, and I am not offered some of it. The selflessness would be hard to match anywhere else in the world.
People are also very willing to help each other, and work together. The other day, I was riding in a taxi, and we got bumped by another car. It was a very minor accident, yet the driver was angry bought the taxi the day before. Within thirty seconds, there were atleast 6 other taxi drivers who stopped in the road to see if their fellow taxi driver needed any help. On a different day, I was getting out of the taxi with two of my friends, and when we handed the driver the money he wouldn’t take it and he simply started yelling at us. Before we knew it a policeman came up to help us. Another guy stopped by to help, and then a third guy came to show us where to go. It was amazing to have all of the willing help. I have also been told that if anything is to go wrong that I can yell, and many people will come and help. However, I have never felt threatened in Egypt. Cairo is such a safe city. With so many people, it is extremely hard to believe, but is so true. I think it is a combination of an evident reliance of religion, strong family ties, and a natural good nature. Shokran to the people of Egypt, Shokran!